Investigate at any granularity, with context.

Enriched Network flow logs
Investigate network behavior with event-driven granularity, and posture awareness clarity.
IAM activity linked to related workloads and identities.
Investigate any Identity Access Management (IAM) activity with automatic correlation to resources. Analyze and understand any action done in your cloud. Track an entire user / machine session including operations done after assume roles.
Enriched K8s audit logs
Investigate any activity inside your k8s cluster enriched with all the needed context.
Built in anomaly-detection engine
  • Get breach indications on workloads and user activity against the MITRE ATT&CK® framework
  • Automated attack timelines with reach security context to resolve alerts in minutes
  • Malicious activities are detected using behavioral analytics & machine learning algorithms
We attribute Network and IAM logs to configuration paths, so that you can easily understand how activities and configurations interact.